Saturday, June 28, 2014

Happily Married for 6 Years! :)

Happy Anniversary Love!!! I cant picture my life without you. I Love you! To 100 more!! :)


Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Father's Day 2014

Happy Father's Day Love! You're an amazing father! Love you! xoxoxox

Photos Taken on Father's Day June 15, 2014


Thursday, June 19, 2014

Rolling Baby!

So here is Baby D doing a complete roll at 5 months old! First time I found him sleeping on his belly was at exactly 4 months old. :)


Bug Themed Day!

My friend came over a few weeks ago (May 30, 2014) so the kids could have a playdate, and she brought over a few things for the kids to have fun. Everything was bug themed. It was all super cute and the kids loved it.

Butterfly Bagel Pizza

Ladybug Bagel Pizza

Butterfly snacks and ants on a log

HK's egg carton flower

HK's egg carton dragonfly

LC's egg carton dragonfly

LC's egg carton flower



Oh My Goodness! I thought I had posted this a long time ago but turns out I just saved it. Oops! This was a playdate that my oldest son had with his friend HK. Along with Baby D having a "playdate" with HK's baby sister Baby K! Lots of fun. Hoping that there will be a lot more of these during the summer! (we've already had 2 since)

Dont they look related??

Photos taken on April 28, 2014

Love the Summer!

Photos take on June 9, 2014


Thursday, June 12, 2014

Baby D is 5 Months Old!

I can't believe my little baby turned 5 months old this past Sunday. Goodness!

Look at those cheeks!

Happy Baby!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Baby D's First Spoon

At Baby D's 4 month doctor's appointment, I told the doctor that he was nursing every 2 hours, all day AND night. The Doctor said it was ok for me to start him on a bit of cereal. Yay for me! Its been almost a month now its going very well. I started him on a tablespoon in the morning and now he's eating almost 2 tablespoons morning and evening. A few days day ago, we were out and I forgot to bring his cereal with me. When we got home at 8pm I decided to feed it to him anyways and guess what.....he slept ALLLLLL night!!! Since then, I switched his evening feeding to 8-8:30pm and he sleeps like a little angel all night. So yay for me again! I think soon I'm gonna try veggies or fruits! Stay tuned!

Before the first spoon...

First spoon in....

"This is...."interesting" "

Pretty good stuff!

Happy Baby!

Fed him this for about 5 days and switched to oatmeal which he likes a lot better!