Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter 2014

My big man very excited about what the Easter Bunny left for him on his Easter hunt!

Happy Easter Baby Brother

My boys!

I decided to put Baby D in my big boy's baptism outfit for Easter. I figured that by the time Baby D gets baptized, it wont fit him anymore, so may as well make him wear it at least once. I thought that Easter was a good time! He looked soooo handsome!


Hope everyone had a great Easter!


Wednesday, April 16, 2014

DIY Bird Feeders

A couple of weeks ago, I was trying to figure out what to do with all the empty toilet paper rolls I had on hand. I always keep them for crafting purposes, but I was starting to run out of creativity on what to create next. Here's what I came up with. Bird Feeders!! Simple Simple. Here is what you  need:

Empty toilet paper roll
Peanut butter
Small spatula
Bird Seeds

Spread peanut butter with small spatula onto toilet paper roll

Dont forget to taste the peanut butter

Pour seeds into a plate

Roll the peanut butter covered toilet paper roll in the seed until covered

Put rolls onto a branch and Voila, instant bird feeder

Still waiting to see the birds eating from our creations. Then again, the weather has been so strange this year. The birds probably decided to stay down south. Smart Birds!!


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Look Who Turned 3 Months Today!! :)

I love these kids!!!!!


Science at it's Best!

This winter has been soooooooooo long this year. Besides having baby D, I've had to keep my older boy busy. I decided to look up some science experiments online and here's one of them. What you do is soak an egg in vinegar for 5 days and compare it to an egg that was soaked in water for 5 days. Here are the results.

Day 1

Day 5- Water returned no results, egg stayed as is
Vinegar looked like it was eating away at the shell

With a little rinse under water, the shell completely dissolved and the egg was now see through. The picture isnt great but you can actually see the yolk rolling around inside. It was also really squishy, like a hard boiled egg. Really cool!

Next. the egg was supposed to bounce if dropped lightly.

One, two, three, SPLAT!

Guess not!

Oh well!!

This was a really cool experiment. I didnt think it would work. It really did (minus the bouncing part). My big boy was super excited to see the progress of our egg throughout the 5 days. Stay tuned for some more science!


Baby D & Baby Z's First "Playdate"

Here is a small photo of Baby D & Baby Z's first playdate. Ok, so they didnt really play, but they sure looked cute lying down together. They are one month apart minus one day. I'm sure they will grow up and be great friends. Afterall, their mommy's are!

Hehe love footy jammies!

So Sweet!

You know Baby Z is thinking "Oh boy, look at all that hair!"


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Pictures from Baby D's First Days Home!

Baby D with his Great Grandma

Big Boy L admiring his new baby brother

Cousin Jen with Baby D

Brotherly Love

Grandpa holding his new grandson for the first time

The Boys!

Mommy and her boys

Cant get enough of his new baby brother

First Bath

Mommy giving Baby D his first bath

Big Boy L wanted to take a picture of the 3 people he loves most!
