Thursday, May 1, 2014


Yesterday I spent the day at my parent's house. While hanging out in the kitchen, I noticed a little heart next to today's date in my dad's agenda. I know he usually writes birthdays and events in his agenda so he can remember them, but I couldnt think of anything happening on May 1st. So I asked him.

Me- "Dad, whats with the little heart next to May 1st?"
Dad- "I'm not telling you."
Me- "Why?"
Dad- "Because it's going to make you sad."
Me- "Sad? I really have no idea what you're talking about."
Dad- "May 1st is when you lost your first baby. I always put a little heart beside that day to remember my other little grandson."

I was floored. One, because it was so touching to me that he would remember this date every year in memory of his grandson (not that I doubted it). And two, because I totally forgot all about it. How could this happen? Is is because it was so traumatic that my mind decided to block this event out of my head? Is it the sleep deprivation that's making my mind a little more than forgetful these days? Or is it simply that I forgot?
Does this make me a bad mother? I hope not! I lay in bed last night trying to figure out how I could forget such a thing and I came up with nothing. I will not try to explain or make excuses for myself. I simply forgot.

Today I lit a candle. I lit a candle in memory of my first little boy who came into this world as quickly as he left it. I lit a candle for my little peanut who would have been 5 years old today. I lit a candle to remember my love, my heartache, and my tears. Today I lit a candle to remind me how lucky I am to have 2 healthy boys who I can kiss and hug. I lit a candle so I can send my kisses and my hugs to my little boy who's in heaven. Today I lit a candle....

I hope you're happy little peanut, wherever you may be. Until I can hold you in my arms again, 'til then, I'll hold you in my heart....Mommy loves you...


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