Saturday, May 17, 2014

Baby D's Milestones

So I haven't been as much of an avid blogger this time around with Baby D as I was with Baby L, for obvious reasons. Less time! So I decided to write a post today with all Baby D's milestones so far. Lets see if I remember most of them.

First Smile: 1 Month Old
First Coo: 7 weeks
Discovered Feet: 4 Months
Hand sucking: Since the Beginning
Toe sucking: Almost there....

Stuff he likes:
Attention (which baby doesn't right)
Eating (mommy's milk)
His feet
Sucking on his thumb and pretty much his whole hand
Loves his brother's silliness
Being naked or at least his legs free from clothes
His blanky
Mommy singing Franny's Feet
Brian Adams music (lol)
His froggy rattle and little elephant rattle

Stuff he doesnt like:
His carseat (screams bloody murder)
Pacifier (I seriously tried...he hates it!)
Drinking from a bottle (mommy not would be nice to get a break)
Being left alone (he likes attention)

I think that's pretty much all the milestones for now. More to come soon. Tomorrow he will be getting his first taste of cereal. I know he's younger than the recommended age, but I will explain in another post! Stay tuned!


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