Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Not Much but Pretty Busy

I havent posted in forever. Mainly because nothing is new really. However, I have been pretty busy. After everone was done being sick, I had to get back to planning that baby shower for my cousin. It`s in three weekends and I hadnt started buying anything yet. So this weekend (except for Sunday because it was Easter), I went shopping. I bought almost everything. Decorations, games, prizes, etc. I have a few things left that I didnt find or forgot to buy. I still need some prizes, another bag of M&M`s for my guess how many M&M`s in the jar, and the food of course. I decided I`m going to make a brunch menu. I`ll bake different types of muffins, get fresh bread, different jams and jellies, quiche, deviled eggs, fruit platter, cheese platter, small tea sandwiches, etc. I think it`ll just be an easier menu to make and I mean, who doesnt love brunch!?!

Besides the shower, nothing really has been going on. Luca is doing well. He`s been a very happy baby lately. He`s also napping a lot less. Yesterday he only took a nap of an hour and then was awake all day. He wasnt even cranky. Weird! As long as he`s happy, he could stay awake all day if he wants. His nights are getting better too. He`s almost always doing his nights. The other night he slept from 9:30pm-9:00am! Awesome! He`s back in his basinette though. Since he was sick for three weeks, he wouldnt sleep in his crib and it was just easier for me to have him near since he was waking up every 2 seconds. I havent decided when I will try the crib again. Maybe next week.

His feedings are also going pretty well. He mostly likes his food. Some days are a little tricker than others. I find it harder to feed him when we`re out. At home its much easier. Who knows why....whatever! As for the breastfeeding, I only breastfeed him at night. Once before bed, then if he wakes up during the night and once in the morning. The rest of the day he has formula in a bottle. It just seems to work better this way. During the day, he doesnt seem too interested in breastfeeding. I guess he`s weaned himself. Pretty good for me.

So thats pretty much it.

Ni -xox-

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