Thursday, June 5, 2014

Baby D's First Spoon

At Baby D's 4 month doctor's appointment, I told the doctor that he was nursing every 2 hours, all day AND night. The Doctor said it was ok for me to start him on a bit of cereal. Yay for me! Its been almost a month now its going very well. I started him on a tablespoon in the morning and now he's eating almost 2 tablespoons morning and evening. A few days day ago, we were out and I forgot to bring his cereal with me. When we got home at 8pm I decided to feed it to him anyways and guess what.....he slept ALLLLLL night!!! Since then, I switched his evening feeding to 8-8:30pm and he sleeps like a little angel all night. So yay for me again! I think soon I'm gonna try veggies or fruits! Stay tuned!

Before the first spoon...

First spoon in....

"This is...."interesting" "

Pretty good stuff!

Happy Baby!

Fed him this for about 5 days and switched to oatmeal which he likes a lot better!

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