Thursday, March 20, 2014

2 yr Olds Have Nothing on 3 yr Olds

So you always hear about the terrible 2s and how horrible your child is going to be. You fear it, you anticipate the worst. Then it comes and its not very pleasant but it isnt as bad as you thought. Before you know it, its over and you've gotten through it with your sanity pretty much intact. 

Your big boy turns 3! He's now fully potty trained, he can brush his own teeth, eat by himself (even if not by choice), sleeps in his big boy bed and you think that life is great. You throw him a big shindig for his birthday. Actually, you have 2 parties, one with family and the other with friends (cause now he has a whole bunch of them. So grown up and cute!). Shortly after these blessed events, all hell breaks loose. Yes, ALL HELL breaks loose! He talks back, he's stubborn (OH SO STUBBORN), set in his ways (like an old man I tell you!), naps are sparse, and then you wish he was 2 again. I read an article the other day that was titled "3 Year Olds are Assholes". HAHAHAH Funny title....but there is some truth in there. My 3 year old is all the things I have mentioned above. Stubborn like mule, set in his ways like an old man, and the worst of all is that he's soooooo negative. I say black, he says white. I give him a surprise and he tells me its not the surprise he wanted. If I ask him to come here, he asks me why. I tell him to eat, and his tummy endlessly hurts (EVERYDAY FOR EVERY MEAL). AHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! There are some days I think I'm slowly slipping into insanity. How could such a tiny little body cause so much mental agony. I get stressed when anybody says to him "Guess what? I got you a surprise". I feel like telling them not to bother because either he's going to freak out because it's not what he wants or he will refuse to say thank you and then I'll have to take it away from him anyway. 3 yr olds ARE assholes! LOL It is a nonstop craze of negativity. My friend and I both have sons with similar characters and we cannot understand how a 3 yr olds can act like such old men. We always say that it's because we're European. LOL! We're feisty. 

My 3 yr old is stubborn, negative, mean, horrible, feisty, emotional, wonderful, caring, loving, affectionate, an amazing big brother, the love of my life and I wouldn't change him for the world! (I might have to start drinking

All you mothers who think their kids are horrible at 2, I warn you, prepare yourself for a ride of a lifetime because 3 yr olds are a whole new monster. But hang in there, I heard something about the f*ing 4s! Lord help us!


1 comment:

Nicky said...

It seems to just get worse every year. You said it first, but I was going to say... four is even worse.... I feel like I'm living with a tiny teenager!!! Lol! It's crazy how such tiny beings can drive us crazy with frustration and crazy with love. :)