Tuesday, November 29, 2011

To Christmas List or Not?

Every year on my husband's side we all have to provide a Christmas list. At first I thought it was annoying and totally not original. But after years of not knowing what to buy everyone I think it's a great idea. At least this way, you dont really have to think and think and in the end buy someone another neck tie that they dont need, or a movie they already have. I think the list idea is good in the way that you end up getting things that are actually useful to you. Also, the list isnt strict in the way that you HAVE to buy something from it. It could just be inspirational so that you know in what direction to go. It has proved to be very useful.

On my side, I've tried to start to impliment the list idea. So far we just use a list for my brother and his family and my three cousins. My mom sometimes uses our lists for stocking stuffers.

This year, on my hubby's side, we decided to do a gift exchange for the adults. Anyone under 18 still gets a present from everyone, but anyone older has picked a name and only needs to buy one person a gift. In the envelope with the names, we attached our lists. We'll see how it goes. Because we only have one gift to buy, we have upped the budget a little. In the end, buying one gift instead of 14 is much better math in my mind and my bank account!!!

Do you think Christmas Lists are a good idea?


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