I`m really bad at keeping these journals up to date. Ah well! I`m going to try and keep up from now on. So LOTS has changed since I last wrote. I dont even know where to start. I guess I could start with some sad news. In January 2009 I got pregnant. Fun right?? Its what I wanted so badly. Well it was. Everything was going fairly well and then at 17 weeks my water broke. Yeah I know....Crazy huh? I was at work to top it off. I rushed to the hospital in a panic, praying everything would be ok. To make a long story short, the baby could not develop its lungs without the amniotic fluid. So we had to terminate the pregnancy. On April 30, 2009 I was induced. After 15 hours of intense labor, on May 1st, I gave birth to a tiny little baby boy. I sat there with his lifeless little body in my arms and cried. I cried for our loss. I cried that this poor little baby didnt even get a chance at life. I cried because more than anything I wanted him to be alive. Alas, we had to say goodbye and tuck away the memory of his short little existence in the depths of our hearts.
Meanwhile, we had plans on May 3rd to leave on a 3 weeks Europe trip. We decided that after our tragedy, we should still take the trip. It ended up being the best thing we could`ve done. We went to Paris, Venice and Marseilles. It was a wonderful trip. I`m glad we decided to go. It made dealing with our loss much easier. I couldnt picture myself just sitting at home in misery.
Fastforward to December 2009, I`m pregnant again. Yay....and scary! Well, this time I wasnt going to take any chances of this not working again. Every precaution was taken. I had doctor appointments every 2 weeks. I also had weekly injections of progesterone which is known to hold pregnancies. Anyways, it was a pretty crazy pregnancy, considering I was seeing a doctor every week for 41 weeks! Everything this time went fairly well. A few minor complications. I was put on non-strict bed rest at 25 weeks. I didnt really have to stay in bed, but I wasnt allowed to walk a whole lot. A couple of scares at the emergency room. *sigh* Yup! Exhausting. So many precautions because we thought this baby would be born premature, but the little bugger showed us all differently and decided to come a whole week late. I was exactly 41 weeks pregnant when I went into labor. The labor was quite intense, as labor tends to be. It`s not called labor for nothing my friends. So 18 hours later, on September 20, 2010 @ 6:01am, weighing 7lbs 14oz, our little Luca Gabriel was born. We were so in love. He was perfect. I couldnt believe he was finally here and he was mine. Its such an amazing feeling. You always hear that it is, but when it actually happens to you, it`s surreal. Especially because of what happened with the last pregnancy, it was finally my turn to be happy. I cant even explain the emotion that I felt and that I still feel when I think of that whole day.
Well, thats whats been happening in my life lately. I`m all about baby these days!
Thats it for now!
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