Monday, September 30, 2024

Freezer Meal Workshop Fun!

Hello my Spicy Friends,

So I've been hard at work creating and finding recipes for my next freezer meal workshop.

Imagine having 10 meals in your freezer, ready to toss into your crockpot, Instapot or sheet pan? Sounds like a dream right? Well, guess what? You don't have to be asleep for this . LOL! 

Ok, so a bit of context here. Last year I started a freezer meal workshop with some of my friends and it was just so fun and to be honest, very productive. We prepared 10 freezer bag meals, that were labeled and ready to pop into the freezer. The recipes could be cooked in the crockpot or Instapot or even a sheet pan from either thawed or frozen. Just so convenient on a busy weeknight. When 4 o'clock rolls around your crockpot smells amazing and you don't have to fuss about dinner at what I like to call the "witching hour". You know, that time when the kiddos get home and you're busy helping with homework and getting snacks and the kids are driving you nuts! Yeah, that time! If you don't have to cook during all that craziness, BONUUUUUS!

Anyway, I posted about our workshop on facebook and started to plan the next one. Well, it blew up (in a good way) and now everyone wanted to come! We went from being 4 people to 9. Now, when you are doing this in a home kitchen (Thanks to my bestie for lending us her big kitchen), it starts to get a bit tight when you are so many people. BUT, we definitely made it work and dare I say, we had even more fun this time! Music was playing, we sang, we danced, we laughed, we chopped and assembled. You know, all the fun things! Lol!

So, it is that time of the year again and I have been busy with our next workshop. We are going to be 8 people again and to be different and less crammed, I decided to rent a space for the workshop, (Merci Micheline pour l'idee :))

Oct. 5th is the day and I can't wait. I just finished making the labels for the ziplocks. All I have left to do is print everything, stick the labels to the bags and buy my groceries.

How does General Tao Pot Roast or Sticky Orange Chicken Drumsticks sound?? Delish right? Those are just 2 of the 10 recipes we'll be assembling.

Ok, all this talk about food is making me hungry! Who will be joining me for the next freezer meal workshop??

Keep it Spicy my friends!

Ni -xox-

Our First Freezer Meal Workshop

Second Freezer Meal Workshop