Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Handsome Like Dad

Photos Taken Feb.16, 2012


Monday, March 26, 2012

Mommy's Life Size Toy

Photo taken March 14, 2012


Sunday, March 18, 2012

After Nap Fun!

Pics take Feb.16,2012


Saturday, March 17, 2012

Oh How I Love this Little Man

Pics taken Feb.8, 2012


Friday, March 9, 2012

Baby Sporting Mommy's Jammies!

Pics taken Feb.7, 2012


Checklist For 2012

I was doing the weekly cleaning of the bathroom this morning. While I was cleaning the sink, you know the little plaque on top of the knobs that indicate the C or H? Well the knob for the cold is missing a piece and everytime I clean the sink, that little plaque with the C on it, ALWAYS falls off. Annoying. Enough is enough. Then and there I decided to make a checklist of things I need to do this year. Here it is...well what I can think of on the spot:

1- Change the bathroom faucet
2- Change the caulking around the tub (it seperated and now is getting moldy...Ew!)
3- Paint my craft room downstairs
4- Turn my craftroom into a craftroom (storage, etc)
5- Find a creative way to transform the hand-me-down desk in my craft room
6- Furnish the basement (depending on the budget, this one is optional)

Thats all I could think of at this moment. Difficult to think when you have a sick baby waking up hysterical every 15 minutes from his nap (Poor thing). Well, stay tuned for either more items to add to my checklist, or for progress on actually doing the ones I have here!
