Two weeks later I'm finally posting baby's first birthday party. It was on Saturday, September 17. The day before, mom and I made the cake. It took us allllll day. It was a double chocolate cake, with chocolate ganache filling, topped with vanilla butter cream and homemade vanilla fondant. Yum right?? I decided to go with a jungle theme for the whole party. This summer in Portugal while we were doing some groceries, I spotted the whole collection of Jungle Junction toys. They don't seem to have them here in Canada, so naturally I was excited and bought everything. Then I thought of the brilliant (at least I thought so), of using the toys on the birthday cake. And that's how this theme was born. So without further adue, here is our beautiful masterpiece. So excited and proud about it!

I also made a batch of vanilla cupcakes with a butter cream frosting. I really wanted baby to make a mess with his cake, but fondant isn't really messy. So I figured the green frosting on the cupcakes should do the job! I found these cute cupcake liners and toppers to go with my theme.
As for the food, I made a big lasagna, pulled pork sandwiches (which were a big hit....I love me slow cooker!), chicken from the Portuguese place, spinach/feta quesedillas, Quinoa Salad, Green Salad, potatoes, pizza and some other little side dishes. Everything was delicious. Not too many leftovers....awesome!
All day I was trying to get a good picture of me and the birthday boy. This is the best we got. Eh!
Here he is having fun at his party and we had't even had cake or opened presents yet!
The birthday boy and his Uncle Joe (althought he looks more interested in the monkey).
I'm really happy at how all the decorations turned out. It was a realy jungle in here. I ordered balloons of monkeys and giraffes. I had an inflatable monkey hanging off the chandelier. Lots of green and orange streamers everywhere and lots of balloons. It was really festive.
Not so successful on trying to get a picture of the birthday boy in his party hat. Actually forget being successful on the picture, we werent even successful on getting the hat on! LOL!
And now for the moment you've all been waiting for! Cake time!!! YUM! I wasnt sure what he would do. The last couple of first birthdays I've been to, the kids werent interested in the cake. I really wanted baby to smush it all in his face. And guess what....HE DID!! YAY! I actually still found some frosting on his highchair yesterday!
Of course the first picture I go to take of the birthday boy and daddy was beautiful! LOL! How about mommy... :o( LOL!
There were some older kids at the party, so we decided to have a pinata for them. It was fun. They loved it! Of course, why wouldnt they? Swinging a broom stick around, trying to hit a colorful snake and then the best part, the candy and toys that fall out! Awesome! Baby didnt really enjoy himself at this point....a little scared of the noise.
In the end, I finally got a pretty nice picture with hubby and Mr. Birthday Boy! My little family!
Present time! Baby got lots of nice toys. Of course at the time he was more interested in the tissue paper and bags that the gifts came in. Thats kids for you!
I guess he really liked the next gift....he went to sit right on it!! LOL!
All in all, the party was a great success. A very memorable first birthday party for my first baby!
Mommy Loves you!
I guess he had fun at his party. Here he is the next day! POOPED!

Ni aka Mommy -xox-